About Me


Hello! I'm Ercüment, a Frontend Developer based in Turkey. I've been interested in frontend development since my high school years, and I've been professionally involved in this field for the past 4 years.

Favorite Technologies

JavaScript, TypeScript, and React are my favorite programming languages and technologies. I believe that JavaScript has unlimited potential and I see it as a Swiss army knife. React, on the other hand, is my preferred JavaScript library. I find it easier to learn and use compared to other libraries.

Approach to Frontend Development

To be a successful frontend developer, I believe in not being afraid to make mistakes, asking the right questions, and constantly researching. Technology is advancing rapidly, so staying up to date and following new trends is crucial to me.

Passion for UI Development

I thoroughly enjoy working on UI development. Adding new features and seeing them come to life in a live environment brings me joy. Additionally, I strive to continually improve myself in order to enhance user experience.


Outside of work, I spend my time watching anime, engaging in sports activities, and drawing with graphite pencils. These hobbies provide relaxation and fuel my creativity.

Favorite Frontend Tools and Libraries

Some of my favorite frontend tools and libraries include TailwindCSS, Zod, Tanstack React Query, and React Toastify. These tools help me make my projects more efficient and visually appealing.

Career Goals

My future career goal is to become even more successful and continue my development journey. I aim to learn new things in every project and strive to become a better developer.